Welcome to Grade 10 Essentials Math!
The aim of this course is to equip students with the math skills required to function as a member of society. You will learn skills that will help you to be careful and educated consumers of goods and services.
**Contrary to popular belief, Essentials Math is NOT easy math. It is, however, PRACTICAL math. Students will need to put effort into daily class work and assignments. **
You will be expected to record notes & examples, participate in discussions and ask questions.
On this page, you will find copies of class notes, assignments, and helpful links for you to succeed.
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Text the message: @grade10ess to (226) 779-2120
or visit this link: https://www.remind.com/join/grade10ess
Course Notes and Assignments
Unit 1: Earning an Income
Unit 2: Unit Price and Currency Exchange
Helpful links:
Unit 3: Length and Measurement
Unit 4: Angles and Parallel Lines
Unit 6: Similarity and Trigonometry
Unit 7: Geometry
Unit 8: Transformations
8.2 Notes: Rotations Around a Fixed Point